jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

American history

In North America there were two tribes which were rivals. The blue tribe and the red tribe were separated by a river.  One day, a man of the blue tribe went into the forest of the red tribe. There, he saw a girl of the other tribe and he wanted to kill her but when he saw her, he realized that he had fallen in love.  The couple met every full moon night in the other side of the lake. The Indian crossed the river by boat. One of those nights he didn’t find his boat and then he started to swim across the river but he drowned in to the water, because he could not swim. Then, when the girl knew that her boyfriend had lost his life, she told it to her tribe, and that tribe to the other tribe. They decided to name the lake after the poor Indian.
Pau Martí and Isaac Priego.

This is me.

My name is Isaac Priego Eroles. I’m 16 years old. I live in Artesa de Segre but in the summer I go to Santa Maria de Meià. In my free time I usually play football and ride my motorcycle. My hobbies are riding my motorcycle and playing football but I like skiing too. I study batxillerat because I want to study a degree. I don’t know where I want work in the future. This is all about me. 

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Informal letter

                                                                                              99, Ctr. d’Agramunt
                                                                                              25730 Artesa de Segre

13th October, 2011
Hello John,
It was great to hear from you! I’m happy to start being pen-pals.  You wrote because you wanted to know more information about you. And I’m writing this letter to explain you about my hobbies and also to give you some information of me. 
But the other days I like surfing the Internet, riding a motorcycle, skiing and playing football. I train football all Wednesdays and Fridays and I play a match every Saturday.
Oh, yes-school. My favorite subjects are physics, chemistry and Mathematics.  But when I finish classes, on Tuesday I go to the music school to learn to play the guitar.
Write soon!
Isaac Priego